Are you interested in going to graduate school but not looking forward to the financial burden associated with advancing your education? Maybe you’ve looked into some scholarship programs, but many that you’ve seen are too niche for your desired area of study. You’re in luck. We’ve compiled a list of nontraditional graduate school scholarships that all types of students can apply for:
WaterGadget’s scholarship for students in need
This business, which specializes in – you guessed it – water gadgets, offers a $1,250 scholarship for prospective graduate students in need of some cash. To be eligible, you’ll need to write 800 to 1000 words of content on the “best water gadget.” If you decide to apply, have fun and be creative with it!
Because College Is Expensive scholarship
Cedar Education Lending gives out four awards of $500 every year to current and prospective students. All you have to do is fill out a few fields and press submit. Think of it like a raffle, no transcript or personal statement necessary.
Don’t Text and Drive scholarship
Digital Responsibility, an organization founded by Silicon Valley engineers, wants to educate people of all ages on the dangers of texting and driving. To be eligible, entrants need to fill out a short form, which includes a 140-character statement that finishes the sentence “I pledge to not text and drive because ” The organization will pick 10 finalists, who will then be asked to write a 500- to 1000-word essay about texting and driving. It definitely sounds worth the $1,000 prize.
iVein Health & Wellness scholarship
iVein reported that 70% of college students gain weight by graduation. Whether or not you gained the “freshman 15” during your undergraduate years, it’s crucial to stay on top of your health and fitness while enrolled in a graduate program. You can set your goals and figure out how you’ll maintain them through the essay you’ll be required to write for iVein’s scholarship. You can put the $2,500 scholarship prize toward your education, so you have more pocket change to spend on gym memberships, health foods and other ways to stay in shape.
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Graduate Admissions Office, Springfield, MA, 01119
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Doheny Campus, Los Angeles, CA, 90007
The Master of Art in Humanities at Mount Saint Mary’s University is a dynamic and fl....
5701 Delhi Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45233
Mount St. Joseph University is a Catholic academic community grounded in the spiritual values and vi....
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA, 23464
Regent University is a Christian learning community comprised of seven graduate schools (Business &a....
401 N Fairview St, Lock Haven, PA, 17745
Founded in 1870, Lock Haven University sits on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River and looks ov....
10601 Calle Lee, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720
Touro University Worldwide is a nonprofit institution of higher learning established by philanthropi....
126 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 11549
At Hofstra University, students take advantage of dynamic courses, flexible schedules, exceptional f....