Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family

    The Pontifical John Paul II Institute is an institution for graduate studies in Theology located on the campus of the Catholic University of America, in the heart of our Nation’s Capital. Offering degree programs on the Master’s, Licentiate, and Doctoral levels, the John Paul II Institute seeks to allow the student to engage the question of the nature of the human person on a deep level, in light of the issues surrounding the person that are particularly relevant in our modern society.

    The Institute seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the person, marriage and family faithful to the Catholic magisterial tradition in light of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II, by means of a multidisciplinary education centered in theology. The Institute’s mission is rooted in the abiding conviction that Jesus Christ reveals love to be the meaning of God (1 John 4:8), of the human person, and, through the person, of the whole of creation. The Institute is thus devoted to a rigorous study of the Triune mystery of God’s love given to us in Jesus Christ as it reveals the meaning of man and his world (Gaudium et Spes, 22).

    Such fundamental study requires profound reflection that is at once theological, philosophical, anthropological, and cosmological-scientific. Pontifical and civil degree programs are offered, (master’s, license, and doctoral-level education) and prepare graduates (laypersons, priests, and religious) for teaching and research in academic, seminary, and diocesan contexts; for work in legal, medical, and other professional occupations. The Institute strives to undertake significant research and publication relative to the contemporary discussion regarding person, marriage, and family.

    M.T.S.: Theological Studies (Marriage & Family, Biotechnology & Ethics)

    Ph.D.: Theology (specialization in Person, Marriage, & Family)

    S.T.D.: Sacred Theology (specialization in Marriage & Family)

    S.T.L.: Licentiate in Sacred Theology of Marriage & Family

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