Established in 1976, College Transfer Guide has become the most widely used transfer recruitment publication in the United States. Hundreds of two-year colleges use College Transfer Guide for their students interested in pursuing a Bachelor’s degree.
What’s in a College Transfer Guide?
Listings of accredited four-year colleges and universities located predominantly in the eastern United States.
School listing information includes: transfer requirements, course offerings, tuition, admissions contact, e-mail and web addresses.
Comprehensive Financial Aid info including tuition tax credits, grants, loans and work study.
Cross reference section of majors
Editorial including “Tips for the Transfer Student” and “Statement of Transfer Student’s Rights and Responsibilities.”
Who gets copies of College Transfer Guide?
Copies are requested and distributed to students completing their Associate’s degree who wish to transfer to a four-year college. Sufficient copies are sent so that students may take their own copy.
2013 Regional Editions
New York State
New England
New Jersey/Pennsylvania/Ohio
Attention 2 Year Colleges:
Call 800-433-7771 or Email if you would like to be put on our mailing list or need additional copies of College Transfer Guide.
Attention College Representatives:
Call 800-433-7771 or Email if you would like information about placing a student response card in the next edition of College Transfer Guide.