In Print & Online – Graduate Guide is the premier resource for graduate student recruitment.
ADVERTISE ONLINE provides graduate admission directors and deans with several sources of qualified student inquiries through expanded listings, web links and student response forms. We offer cost-effective flat-rate web packages with unlimited clicks.
Advertisers can tailor their expanded listing with detailed information on school history, program descriptions, accreditation, new technologies, admissions contacts, etc.
Advertiser benefits include:
• Web, e-mail and apply online links to graduate admissions office
• Photo Gallery of campus, classrooms and student life
• Links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Campus Tours, News etc.
• Preferred placement for all searches performed – advertisers pop to the top
• Unlimited click throughs (no additional cost per click)

Graduate Guide
Graduate Admission Directors consider Graduate Guide to be the most effective recruitment resource for prospective students because of its Qualified Circulation, Ease of Use and Direct Response.
Advertising options in Graduate Guide puts your school’s information in the hands of the most qualified and motivated graduate student candidates. For more than 40 years, graduate admissions directors have benefited from the quality student inquiries generated from our directory and web site. With several advertising options to choose from, you can tailor your recruiting efforts in the most cost efficient way possible.
Graduate schools can choose from one or more regional editions of Graduate Guide allowing them to focus their recruiting efforts on a particular geographic area. Multiple edition discounts apply for schools wishing to recruit in more than one area.
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