William Nordling, Ph.D., Academic Dean
Molly Loesel, Admissions Coordinator
Divine Mercy University (DMU) is a Catholic graduate school of psychology and counseling, founded in 1999 as the Institute for the Psychological Sciences. The University is dedicated to the scientific study of psychology with a Catholic understanding of the person, marriage and the family.
The University offers Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctoral (Psy.D.) degrees in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Psychology and a Master of Science (M.S.) in Counseling.
Divine Mercy University is affiliated with the Legionaries of Christ. The University is dedicated to the renewal of the Catholic-Christian intellectual tradition and the integration of the theoretical and empirical bases of psychology and a Catholic-Christian view of the human person.
The University seeks to provide students an effective academic and educational environment that supports the integration of the psychological sciences and a Catholic-Christian understanding of the person through teaching and learning both knowledge and critical skills. It assists students intellectually and professionally as they prepare themselves to respond to their vocation as mental health professionals or as men and women in helping professions. The University’s mission also involves dialogue about its integrative approach with practitioners and scholars, nationally and internationally.
The life of the University is rooted in and fully informed by the teaching of the Catholic Church. This vision involves every aspect of life at the University, including the training model, education in the classroom and the clinic, intellectual and scholarly pursuits, and our common life as an academic community. The identity of the University finds its primary source in the word of God, which is expressed in the whole Tradition of the Catholic Church (Scripture and Magisterium) (Dei Verbum [The Word of God, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation of the Second Vatican Council], DV, sec. 7-10).
The heart of the identity of the University is belief in the Trinitarian God who has revealed himself through Jesus Christ. Believing all things are created by God and bear resemblance to him, we view reality and each person as a gift. We recognize the primacy of God’s gift, which humanity is invited to receive and to give in turn. Therefore, we seek to promote and participate in an authentic “culture of life” (Evangelium Vitae [The Gospel of Life], Encyclical of Pope John Paul II, 1995, sec. 28) at the University and in the broader culture.
M.S.: Clinical Psychology
M.S.: Counseling
M.S.: Psychology
Psy.D.: Clinical Psychology
ONLINE CERTIFICATES available in the following categories:
Helping Young People Build Character & Virtue, Pornography Addiction & Recovery, Professional Treatment of Sexual Addiction
ONLINE COURSES available in the following categories:
Foundational Review, Addictions & Recovery, General Interest, Marriage & Family, Special Topics
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