What should you look for in dual MBA programs?


	Are two degrees truly better than one?
    Are two degrees truly better than one?

    What should you look for in dual MBA programs?

    Dual degrees in business administration programs are becoming increasingly popular for students. However, is it really worth the effort? Is getting two degrees really better than just getting one? If you're thinking about getting a dual degree, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Consider these tips on what you should look for when considering dual degree MBA programs.

    "Some companies tend to pick from certain MBA schools."

    Where do you want to end up?
    Many students tend to overlook their direct career path when applying to graduate schools. Instead, they figure that they will familiarize themselves with a specialty and hope that it pans out come graduation. However, it's important to truly consider your career path before looking into a dual-degree program. These types of programs allow students to take courses that lead them to an MBA, but they also let students obtain another master's degree, whether it's a law degree, a medical degree, an education degree, a public policy degree or even a degree in fine arts. In essence, the list is endless and continues to grow.

    Yet with two degrees in hand, it's critical that you know where you want to end up. If you decide you want to get a master's in business and law, what are your career goals? Who do you want to work for? Why are you choosing this path? Asking yourself these tough questions before you apply to dual-degree programs will allow you to make the right choice in the end, and definitely makes it worth all your time and effort. It turns out that even some companies tend to pick from certain MBA schools, so it's wise to do your research ahead of time if you're looking at specific businesses.

    What do these programs offer that others might not?
    During your search, make a priority list. What is most important to you in a school? List out the qualities you want your dream school to have. As you look at each school, compare it to the list. You may have to make a tough choice, especially if money is involved, but it's better to choose an affordable program over one that you may struggle to pay for.

    Once you've narrowed down your desired dual-degree program, students should look into financing because oftentimes dual degrees can be more expensive than single degree programs. Students will need to look into student aid, or stand-out programs that may help polish a résumé. Ideally, most students will invest in a dual-degree program when they are looking to benefit from knowledge learned from both programs positioning themselves for higher pay in their future careers.

    Are you ready to handle a rigorous application process?
    When applying to a dual-degree program, you might hit some roadblocks. Many schools ask that a student fill out separate  applications for each program, and conduct two separate interviews. There's a possibility one program might reject you, which could leave you vulnerable for rejection from the other program. One program may put you on a wait list while the other has you accepted. Or, one program may take longer than the other to give you its decision. These variables may get overwhelming. Look into what each program expects of its students before you decide to apply. It may be a make-or-break decision.

    By Monique Smith

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